Kairos Coffee Roasting Bruce Burman opened the storefront of Kairos Coffee Roaster and Tea Co. in 2006 but like many other businesses, was temporarily closed due to Covid-19. Bruce first began with serving coffee out of a vintage red horse trailer but was in need of something bigger so why not get an Airstream? Our team worked long and hard on bringing Bruce's vision to life. His 1971 Airstream functions as a full service espresso, tea, and smoothie bar and is located in Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania.
Bobby King, the General Manager from Lake Tahoe Beach Club, contacted us to build a food trailer out of a vintage Airstream. We sent them a few choices and they picked this 1972 27ft. Airstream for the project. In addition to the side serving hatch, this build included a full rear hatch for loading of product. The trailer will be parked outside the Club House right on the Beach.
Seamore's food vending trailer in New York City. From the joy of fishing and the taste of fresh catch, they bring Montauk to your sidewalk. On the corner of Broome and Mulberry, Seamore's puts the local back into seafood with their P&S Airstream food trailer. Serving healthy plates, beach vibes, affordable local seafood, and sustainability, they want you to feel good about your fish.
On July 13th the Brown Family arrived at P&S Trailer to take a tour. After looking at all the trailers of different ages & sizes they all agreed on this 1972 23ft Safari. The Browns decided on 2 vending windows. A 10 footer on one side and a 5 footer on the other. In front of the 10 foot window we installed a custom stainless steel counter with an ice bin and drain board. In the front we installed a self contained stainless steel four compartment sink. They plan on using this trailer to sell homemade donuts.
This project is a Drive Up Food Trailer! We built it using a 1972 31ft. Sovereign. It has 2 Drive Up windows on one side and a 8ft. vending window on the back side for walk up customers. Capsule Manufacturing in California contacted us to furnish the trailer all polished, 2 air conditioners, fab work for the windows and all new insulation and metal on the interior. We delivered it to California where they will outfit the inside.
The Coco Van Airstream Lounge is on the grounds of the Coco Bistro in the Turks & Caicos Islands. Coco Van is a 1974 27ft. Airstream now serving as a bar and grill. This 1974 Airstream has 2 serving windows both covered by a large Zip Dee awning. WE wrapped the interior walls with special pre-coated aluminum. After polishing the exterior, new LED exterior lighting was installed. This conversoin also included new aluminum wheels and tires.
Visit their website here: cocovan.tc