For those of you that follow country music star Miranda Lambert, you have probably heard about her famous Airstream trailer named 'Wanda.' Well, Miranda had Wanda brought to P & S Trailer for a 'freshening up.' Now Wanda, complete with her rooftop tiara, is back on the road touring with Miss Lambert.
Wanda is looking great again with her "Roadside Bars & Pink Guitars" side tour banners. She's Breakin' Hearts & Rollin' Outta Town.
Jessica Robertson purchased an Airstream shell that we had listed on eBay and then wanted us to install a full kitchen in it. Working along with Brian Purser, the Art Producer of the show, we proceeded with the project. The Food Trailer has been seen on episodes of the 'Duck Dynasty' spinoff "Growing the Dynasty" with Jep and Jessica Robertson and they plan to use the Food Trailer as a family business.
After relining the entire interior of the trailer, running plumbing and electrical, a new diamond plate floor was installed. An all stainless steel grill, ovens, fridge and food prep tables were brought in and installed.
Read the story on their website here: jepssouthernroots.com
Miranda was so happy with her P & S Trailer 'freshening up' of Wanda, she sent another one for us to do. 'Wendell' is a 1964 26ft Airstream Overlander donning his big John Wayne hat on the roof. Miranda wanted Wendell's interior to go along with the rooftop John Wayne hat. P&S came up with the saloon wall with swinging doors. Miranda also picked out the style and colors for the flooring. P&S took the list of colors and a picture of the flooring style she requested to Antique Beams & Boards in Delta, Ohio where they did all painting of the boards. It was an honor to do a second Airstream for her.